What’s Your Organization’s Truth?

In the data world, the term ‘source of truth’ is known and refers to the authoritative and reliable source of information within the company -- a single, trusted repository that contains accurate, up-to-date, and consistent data or knowledge that employees rely on for decision-making, problem-solving, and operational processes.

To co-opt the term from the IT domain, does your organization have a leadership ‘source of truth?’  If not, I strongly suggest you do.

In Traction, by Gino Wickman, while not in these explicit terms, shows how leadership can create that ‘source of truth’ through a couple simple processes including, for example, a scorecard.   The scorecard is based on leading, not lagging indicators, like traditional accounting results, which are, in turn, tied to attainment of goals.  Wickman says, by active use of the scorecard, “you’ll have hard data that not only points out current problems but also predicts future ones.”  Using this source of truth you cut straight through the CYA and excuses, which leads to increased accountability.  No more excuses; either the data supports it or not.  Black and white.  Done/Not done.  No equivocation and no more CYA.   

By first setting the vision, goals, and expectations (for behaviors and performance), you and your leadership team ‘own’ this corporate source of truth around which your decisions are based and performance judged.  Accountability is a predicate to trust.  By performing against a source of truth, you foster a culture of trust, transparency, and continuous improvement, where everyone in your organization is accountable.  By prioritizing the use of the source of truth you establish a foundation for informed decision-making, improve communication, and overall organizational success.

 *Traction, Gino Wickman, 2011, page 121.


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