What’s Your Organization’s Truth?
Does your organization have a leadership ‘source of truth?’ If not, I strongly suggest you do.
Our Contribution to Creating Misunderstanding
My contention is that some people write to impress themselves, not to create understanding.
Differences/Confusion of Accounting and Finance
Consider while driving in your car, how successful would you be continually looking out of the rearview mirror – the roads twists and turns ahead of you but you are driving referencing what is already passed.
Transparency Vs. Translucency
The success of an organization is inversely proportional to the number of secrets it keeps.
Language of Business
Our language problem is not about responsibilities, our problem is about lack of accountabilities.
Good Questions Matter
A leader who asks the right kind of question at the right time will help employees attain that higher level within their organization.
Musings on ‘REPLY ALL’
One wrong "REPLY ALL" and the whole thread becomes a never-ending game of ping-pong. Yikes, what just happened?
Rewarding Firefighting
You praise them for smashing the mole and the cycle repeats, emergency after emergency. Soon, everyone is busy playing Whack-a-Mole or firefighting…
People Problems
You train your employees, you rely on them, you encourage them, you pay them, and, yet, the inevitable ‘people problems’ surface.
Let Us All Take a Page From Von Goethe's Book
"When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be."
Small Business Imposter Syndrome - Podcast
Take a few moments listen for some practical advice, inspiring stories, and strategies to overcome imposter syndrome, embrace your unique talents and succeed in their ventures.
A Sense of Belonging
Abraham Maslow wrote, “One can choose to go back to safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.”
Who steps forward into growth with you? Who do you trust to take that journey with you? You do not have to go it alone.
Yikes, with so many ‘things’ to juggle, how can I lead?
I try to drive my organization’s growth and profitability including surviving in this unsettling environment and It mostly seems I have the right people but getting them to work is like pushing a wet noodle up hill. Yikes, I’m frustrated.
Leadership: The Other Side of the Coin
Let’s explore the flipside of the coin a moment – what leadership is not.
Values – Demonstrated in Real Life
A letter written in 1928 from my Great-Grandfather. Can Values be bequeathed?